Dear parents & guardians,
RE: Traffic Congestion in Caledon Street and Safety Concerns
Traffic congestion and parking outside of the school grounds, particularly in Caledon Street, is becoming a concern to us.
Parentsβ and public transport vehicles are parking illegally, sometimes three abreast at peak times, causing tremendous congestion and frustration to drivers.
Our concern is for the safety of our learners as they cross the street at these times. It is inevitable that should this continue; a learner is going to be struck by a vehicle.
I have witnessed just how inconsiderate some drivers are. There is often adequate parking alongside the pavement, but vehicles remain parked in the middle of the street. We urge parents to comply with traffic laws.
In an effort to alleviate this congestion, we will be releasing Grade 5-7 learners at 13.20 each day, from Wednesday 26 January 2022, and request that parents are timeous in collecting their children and moving on. Grade 8-12 learners will be released at 13.30 as usual.
Yours faithfully,
Union High School