Gr 7 Social Sciences Excursion

What a privilege it was to spend time with this group of kind, caring and enthusiastic girls! We looked at wetlands, river health, caught a few crabs in a river, climbed a few fences, fell a few times, had a moonlit swim in a Saltwater pool, learned about an outdoor mechanical fridge, learned about baling lucern and cooled down whilst learning about central irrigation pivots. Best weekend ever!

Behind the scenes

Any school is a huge ‘machine’ with many interlocking cogs and mechanisms which keep it running smoothly. With the Union brand consisting of three schools under one banner – namely Union Pre-School, Union Prep School and Union High School – this amounts to a phenomenal number of people who work both at the coal face and behind the scenes to keep things running smoothly. With each school having its own staff and governing bodies and other entities including the Old Unionite’s Association and the Development Trust, it is easy for each committee to lose sight of the roles, ideals, challenges and achievements of the other.

It was with this in mind that it was decided to hold a joint meeting of all these entities during which a spokesperson from each had the opportunity to discuss the following: how each body operates; their vision; their marketing strategies; their interdependency and co-operation with other sectors; their biggest challenges and recent achievements. It was enlightening and heartening to hear what each sector had to say, and just how passionate, professional, dedicated and committed this group of people are to the Union brand.

Four hours flew by as ideas were tossed around, concerns were voiced, decisions were made and opinions expressed – but the overriding feeling about the gathering was the positive energy that is palpable at Union and how, with communication, co-operation and unity, this wonderful school can continue to grow from strength to strength in its bid to become one of the best schools in the country.

Photo: Front row left to right: John Crankshaw (OUA), Wilmari Spence (High school SGB), Jacqui Marais (Pre and Prep School SGB), Derek Light (Trust), Jenna McNaughton (Union High SGB), Doug Stern (Trust), Lionel de la Harpe (Trust), Kevin Watermeyer (High School SGB, Trust, OUA), (Middle rows) Floris Steenkamp (Prep School SGB), Joanne McNaughton (High School SGB), Bronwen Langmead (High School SGB), Lyn Rose-Innes (High School SGB), Leona Rich (Prep School SGB), Amy Louise Swart (High School SGB), Dianne Murray (Pre School SGB), Yvette Cloete (High School SGB), Abigail Gedult (High School SGB), David Langmead (High School SGB), William Pringle (High School SGB)

(Back row) Arland Stanley (Trust), Bronwen Kingwill (Prep School SGB), Jennifer Hope (Prep School SGB, Trust), Dolan Cochrane (Prep School SGB), Mark Hudson (Prep School SGB), George Hope (Prep School SGB), Karin Marais (Trust), Stephen Bezuidenhout (Prep, High School SGB), Anje Vorster (Pre School SGB), Bruce Maree (OUA), Sue Olivier (Pre School SGB), David Stern (OUA), Peter Watermeyer (High School SGB), Donald Kingwill (High School SGB).

EP U/17 Inland Cricket

We congratulate the following Union cricketers for being selected for the Eastern Province U/17 Inland Team, who will be attending the National Week Tournament in Kimberley from 10 to 14 December.

Jayden Brotherton, Luke McNaughton, Bowen Langmead (Captain), Kyle-Luke du Preez, Brett Amsterdam, Lihle Mxhunyelwa and Trevor Moos

Senior Prizegiving

The annual Union High School Prizegiving was held in the school hall on Friday 19 October. The guest of honour, Mrs Moira Light, who graciously presented the prizes to those being recognised, was introduced by Head of Department, Mrs Nelia Read. Mrs Light has two children, Rebecca and Matthew, who have matriculated at Union High, and is married to Derek, who is Chairman of the Union High Development Trust.

Mr David Langmead, Chairman of the School Governing Body, presented his welcoming speech and reported on the activities of the Governing Body after which the Headmaster, Mr W.E. Pringle, presented his annual report.

It was a glittering occasion where the many achievements and triumphs, and those who simply work hard behind the scenes, throughout the year were recognised. In addition, a number of Grade 12 learners who intend studying at tertiary institutions next year received bursaries for further studies.

A highlight of the evening was the announcement of the head prefects of the school for 2019. The entire Union community was unanimous in their support for Peter Watermeyer(Headboy), Jenna McNaughton (Headgirl), Khanya Butshingi (Deputy Headboy) and Zintle Maki (Deputy Headgirl).




First on year




Junior Prizegiving

The Union High School’s Primary Department Prizegiving took place on Friday, 19 October 2018 at 09:00 in the Union High School Hall.

The Prizegiving is the highlight of the year where learners are rewarded for their academic, sport and cultural achievements.

The prestigious occasion was opened by the Junior Department choir. In Mr Pringle’s address, he could not hide his pride for the learners of the Primary Department.

Mr David Langmead, Union High’s Governing Body Chairman, gave a very insightful address on attitude and how a person’s attitude can influence a person’s outlook and perception of life. The learners were mesmerised by his address.   Mrs Bronwen Langmead was the guest of honour and handed out all the awards to our prize winners.

We are very proud of our learners’ achievements and will continue to strive for excellence. We congratulate all our prize winners.